MS Excel Sqrt Formula

How to use Ms Excel Sqrt Formula 

                                 SQRT() Enter 

It Returns the Square rate Of a Number.

=Syntax:-     =Sqrt (Number)Enter
                      Sqrt (25)Enter

This Excel Tutorial explains how to use the Excel SQRT Function with syntax and example.


The Microsoft Excel SQRT Function returns the Square root of number.

   The SQRT Function is a built -in function in Excel that is categorized as a Math/Trig Functions. It can be  entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.


The syntax for the SQRT Function in Microsoft Excel is:

SQRT (Number)

Parameters or Arguments


A Position Number that you wish to Returns square foot for.

Example ( as Worksheet Function)

The SQRT Function can only be used as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel. If you need to calculate the Square root in Excel VBA code, try the SQRT Function.

Let's look at some Excel SQRT Function example and explore how to use the SQRT Function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the Following SQRT example would return: 

= SQRT (A1)
   Result: 5

= SQRT (A2)
   Result: 5.796550698

   Result: #NUM!

= SQRT (82.6)
  Result : 9.088454214